Colleges & universities can be a powerful force for change in the digital world.
I explain in detail why Palmetto Insights exists.
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The “why” of Palmetto Insights

Simon Sinek entreats business leaders to start with why. I’ll take him up on that.

In everything I do, I believe that:

“Colleges and universities can be a powerful force for change in the digital world.”

I love what colleges and universities did for me (and I saw this in others, too). They opened my eyes to the world, to great ideas, to the power of mathematics, to the transporting effects of music. They provided me with a forum where I could connect with others who challenged my points of view.

They also gave me the tools I used to construct a career for myself: critical thinking, writing, persuasive speaking, argumentation, the ability to work in groups, and the ability to learn in various ways. Not an exhaustive list, but a good start.

I also have seen enough of “the other side” of the academy as a professor and dean that I know it can be better. It has to change to meet the needs of today’s world, which does not fit perfectly with its current perception of its own strengths. Its fear of change and insecurity is holding it back. Highly related to this is the lack of esprit de corps. Presidents & provosts feel hamstrung by the deans; the deans feel attacked by the faculty; and the faculty feel the administration unnecessarily constrains them.

These issues become even more pressing as higher education moves further into the digital world. All that prospects and students experience the institution digitally. The campus no longer surrounds the student; trained professionals are no longer obviously and easily available to help with applications, classes, jobs, and more. Interactions with the institution are fewer and digitally mediated. To leave a good impression on the prospect or student requires vision, planning, and effort.

These issues can be addressed, but they must be addressed across the institution. Everyone must be in the boat, rowing in the same direction. The underlying strengths of higher education are enviable. To realize them, all parties must recognize that everyone must pull together and that each person, in every role, performs a vital role in the transition to the future.

Who’s with me?

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